Friday 20 December 2013 it out!

Check out the insanely awesome artwork skills, sculpting skills, nunchuck skills and bo staff skills of my mate phill hosking here! Honestly, he's a fiend, it make me want to cry, he's so good!

Zombies... So hot right now...

Here is the digital sculpt I did way back in about 2009 for the Dead Rising 2 video game promo action figure. I had to sculpt the body type, then add all the articulation, as the turnaround time for the figure was very short...

I had to look at a few wobbly bums for reference here...
 Below you can see all the articulation that had to be put in for the figure. He needed 28 points of articulation, which all had to be tolerance, so a gap of 0.15 millimetres was required between every moving surface, so that when printed, tooled, cast and then eventually manufactured, there would be enough space between his joints to allow movement.
We then did a test print on a Thermojet wax printer to check that the scale was correct...

 Here is a quick paint job I did in Freeform, as I would have liked him to be painted, but this was purely for my own personal satisfaction, as a production paint job like this would have been way too expensive.

Okay, I gotta say, I think this bit is kinda cool, I'd never seen infection points on a zombie action figure before, so I quickly hit the net, found some images of tooth marks, took them into Photoshop, inverted the colours, and was then able to use them as alpha channels, images I could use in Freeform to apply physical textures onto the clay surface. So there we have it, the bite marks of the zombies that turned our friend here!
Here are pictures of the prototype we made, after getting the separate perfectory prints form Gary Miller at Industrial Plastics, who did a beautiful job of making our zombie real!

Thursday 19 December 2013

Dobby will guard your room! By hitting himself in the head!

This figure was an electronic room guard, that when activated hits himself in the head with a book! Here is my basic sculpt in Freeform Modelling Plus...

 Then I posed the little fella with his book, we sent images to Tomy, he got approved by the licence holders, and was then sent off to print! Gary Miller at Industrial Plastics ( ) did a beautiful job of printing the little guy, we then assembled, tooled and cast him, then he got painted and had his little pillowcase outfit made!
 The costume was made by Alison Mills, an incredibly talented seamstress,
 and he was painted beautifully by the amazingly skillful Salli Pack!

I think the little guy came out pretty well. Thanks for looking!

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Titan Collectables Fourth Doctor Doctor Who bust! WOO-oo-OOO! Wee-OO-OO!

Here's something I worked on quit e a while ago, the Tom Baker bust! It was an honour to work on such an item involving the coolest Doctor!

This is a render through the sculpting program I use, Freeform Modelling Plus, this was then chopped into nicely sized pieces and emailed to Gary Miller at Industrial Plastics for 3D printing! Here is the bust assembled from the printed pieces...

Here is a very nice photo of the painted prototype, painted and photographed by the insanely talented Salli Pack!
I've got a few more busts to post, some action figures, sketches, concepts and a whole lot more!